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Sons of Allen Men's Ministry

The Sons of Allen is a ministry created for men, both clergy and lay, which will seek to address the needs for distinctive ministries to men, who are faced with spiritual, social, political, and psychological challenges, to equip men to follow the example of Andrew (John 1:41-42) who brought Peter to Jesus.
The Sons of Allen Connectional Men's Fellowship was created by the African Methodist Episcopal Church to:
- Lead men to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
- Organize all men in Christian fellowship and social action.
- Develop men in the skills of prayer, evangelism, Christian stewardship, and Christian spiritual and social services.
- Teach the men of our Church the history, aims, beliefs and program of the Church, and encourage Christian worship and Bible Study.
- Enlist and develop men as leaders and role models for the youth of the Church and community.
- Encourage men to engage in community, state, national and world affairs as Christian citizens.
- Promote the participation of men in the work of the local and Connectional Church in keeping with their abilities, interest and time schedule.
- Encourage such inter-church and connectional activities among men that will aid in creating a sense of Christian community.
- Encourage our men to become witnesses for Christ in their daily occupations.
- Create a conscious loyalty to the total program of the African Methodist Episcopal Church.
Message from the Coordinator of the SOA
Brother Joseph Lowe
I greet you in the powerful name of Jesus Christ. I am truly grateful to Rev. Sonya J. McIntosh for having faith and confidence in me to lead the Sons of Allen Men’s Ministry.
Iron Sharpens Iron so one man sharpens the countenance of his friend.
Proverbs 27:17