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Young Adult

The Richard Allen Young Adult Council

Our Mission

The mission of the RAYAC is to minister to the intellectual (mind), physical (body), and spiritual (spirit) needs of the members of the AME Church.


The fourfold purpose of the Richard Allen Young Adult Council includes the following:

1. Discipleship

Bring young adults into a covenant relationship with Jesus Christ, teaching them how to live Christ-centered lives, and serve as Christian mentors to youths.

2. Leadership training

Develop young adults into Christian leaders within the AME Church and the community at large to effectively represent and voice the concerns of a new generation.

3. Fellowship

Create and provide opportunities for Christian fellowship among young adults.

4. Networking

Provide resources for young adult ministries within the AME Church and the community at large. To provide opportunities for young adults to use their God-given gifts and talents for kingdom building.

Interested in participating in this ministry?